Thursday, February 13, 2025

Disabled and Special Needs Employment Mentoring

The employment mentoring and related services offered in this section of ABLEize are specifically aimed at assisting disabled and special needs people including those with a learning disability, autism and mental health issues as well as their carers, family members, organisations and businesses.

Employment entoring services for the disabled are sadly few and far between in the UK but are slowing growing as the benefits can greatly assist with building relationships, maintaining worthwhile employment and learning to socialise and cope with what everyday life has to throw at the disabled individual. Discover the services of a mentor for those with a disability by browsing the resources below.

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Provides details of their employment mentoring and coaching with examples of work coaching and the techniques used. Includes Shaw Trust contacts.

Details of specialist mentoring offered to disabled students attending Oxford University. Site explains the mentoring process, what to expext from your mentor and how to take advantage of this valuable service.

An overview of mentoring highlighting what the services is and the role of the mentor and whether the sessions should be Formal or Informal.
