Irish Children’s Charities
Find children’s charities in Ireland including details of charities that help disabled and special children in a number of ways. Find contacts of a number of services and information about charities and support groups in Ireland highlighted below that may assist plus charitable organisations in Ireland for their family and carers.
It is often difficult to find the right information when searching the Internet and this is why ABLEize was born We hope that the information here provides you with details of children’s charities and support services throughout Northern and Southern Ireland. Please search through the listings located below and click on the title heading to enter the website or on any social media links. If you found this charity list helpful and know others that may benefit, please click the Send this Page link below and email over these details.
Set up to make the wishes of children with life threatening conditions in Ireland come true. Find out more via their site including how to donate, get involved or attend events.
Provides services to more than 1,550 children and adults with learning disabilities in centres in Greater Dublin. Find locations with video clips, details of the charities facilities and how to get in touch.
One of the largest children’s charities and support groups for children in Ireland providing help and assistance to disabled and vulnerable children. Includes donation details and how to seek help.
Belfast charity for sick and disabled children. View details of kids holidays and breaks, family support and advice as well as dedicated sections and how to make contact or donate.
Provides essential and caring practical support for families in Ireland affected by childhood cancer. Services and support includes domestic services, childcare and laundry to take pressure off families at this difficult time. Based in Co. Galway.
Children’s charity based in Northern Ireland raising fund for children in need throughout the world. Includes details of how to get involved or donate and upcoming fund raising events.
Runs a dedicated Childline and offers child and family support services, anti bullying programmes and a missing child hotline. Also includes details of how to become a volunteer or offer a much needed donation.
A non-profit organisation dedicated to tackling poverty, educational disadvantage, homelessness and social exclusion in children in Ireland.
Irish charity providing funding for families of children with brain damage to help with respite care and intensive home nursing care. Discover more and how to get in touch via their website.
A children’s hospice providing dedicated services and care as well as support for family members. Site highlights their services as well as how to donate.
Set up to support families whose children are seriously ill in hospital. Includes full details of how to get help as well as to donate to this worthy cause.
A world-class children’s hospital providing the best medical care for sick children in Ireland. View details of the hospital care along with support and resources for family members.
A magical castle in the foothills of the Wicklow Mountains in Ireland for children with cancer and other serious illnesses to go for some serious fun.
Dublin based children’s charity raising funds for a range of mobility programmes to help umprove movement in disabled children including pedal trikes and liberty swings.