Monday, September 9, 2024

Bladder Control Treatment and Exercises

Most people have bladder control problems (aka. urinary incontinence) at some time or other in their life, this is most certainly not just a disability thing, weak bladders and a lack of bladder control can happen to both the disabled and non-disabled and at any age.  It is reported that the UK alone has 6 million adults that are unable to control their bladders as they would wish.

This section is designed to offer bladder control advice, support and products such as clothes advice, treatment details and information that may offer help you control your own personal bladder problem along with sites offering assistance with a number of bladder control measures and assisting with a range of often embarrassing urinary incontinence issues.

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Offering a number of short five-minute exercises to assist with bladder control involving strengthening pelvic muscles.

Information and resources highlighting the different types of bladder problems for women with treatment information, exercise tips and an overview of what causes bladder control problems.

Offers bladder control advice, meassage boards and a chat room plus online bladder control related urinary incontinence resources.

Advice, information and product details from the Continence Foundation to assist with weak bladders and bladder control. Includes publications and treatments.

A site that provides advice, treatment details and facts about the Medtronic Bladder Control Therapy along with possible benefits as well as potential risks.

Provides official advice, treatment details and facts about urinary incontinence along with causes and an explaination of how the bladder works.

Providing information and treatment details about the effects of having an overactive bladder with symptom details downloadable trackers.
