Monday, September 9, 2024

Disabled Evacuation Chairs

ABLEize has great knowledge of disabled emergency evacuation chairs (Evac chairs) and provide you with details of safe and reliable as well as DDA and the Equality Act compliant stairway evacuation systems and chair devices to aid assisted disabled emergency evacuations via stairs and to offer safe egress from multi storey buildings for the disabled, wheelchair users and those unable to manage stairs. Ensure that you receive professional advice before purchasing an evac chair along with training on the use of safe evacuation for disabled people, especially if you expect to be transferring wheelchair users into any kind of evacuation chair. Installing an evacuation chair with no training and no trained members available to assist in emergency situations would not be advised. Consult your dealer before attempting to use these evacuation chair devices.

If you are a supplier of evacuation chairs and would like to see your product and related training highlighted in this powerful area of ABLEize simply click the Submit Your Site button at the top of the page to discover our crazy prices that will promote your products and services to the UK and beyond for improved Internet presence as well as greater hits and sales by listing your website and any Facebook and Twitter pages here. Trust ABLEize; we have disability covered!

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Highlights legislation surrounding the safe evacuation of disabled people from multi-storey buildings along with who the legislation applies to. Includes guides of the type of building that must consider evacuation devices.

Evacuation chair information provided by Health and Safety Matters. Highlights regulations concerning the evacuation from upper floors for those with mobility problems and why the installation of Evac chairs is recommended in public use buildings.
