Thursday, February 13, 2025

Continence Aids and Incontinence Clothing

Browse ABLEize to find continence clothing, incontinence protection and advice and assistance for people with a stoma, bladder and bowel problems. Find disposable pads, clothes and washable bed protection for bed-wetting and other incontinence problems as well as discreet bladder weakness clothing and absorbent pads, pants and mattress covers for the elderly and disabled. Also find stoma advice and support services, care products and much more.  Sites below may include non UK continence advice sites, incontinence and stoma product listings that offer UK delivery.

If you would like to see your incontinence products, clothing protectors and stoma care site listed here and benefiting from the popularity of ABLEize and received increased hits and improved sales by taking advantage of our very competitive incontinence promotion and marketing services simply click the Submit Your Site button above. Trust ABLEize; we have incontinence covered!

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Represent the interests of our multi-professional membership by communicating through newsletter and its website. Has local brances, plus holds national and regional conferences and study days in continence matters.

A dedicated support and advice charity providing information and publications in all areas of stoma. Site highlights events and details of local and national social and support groups.

Online guide to living with a stoma offering support, product details, dietary information and lifestyle tips for ostomates and much more from someone that has had two stomas since 1995.

Official NHS Choices site offering a search by post code of area function of stoma care services provided by the NHS. Available in multiple languages.

Highlighting the stoma care service offered at St Marks in Harrow, Middlesex with a range of online information and how to get practical help and advice including the stoma and pouch clinical Nurse specialist team.

Bupa advice and information for storma care with details of the types of storma, possible alternatives and help with managing and living with your stoma. Includes FAQ’s and diagrammes.

Wiltshire stoma and national telephone support before and after ostomy surgery. Explains about colostomy and stoma, holds regular social and support group sessions, newsletters and much more.

Providing continence information, advice and expertise plus awareness about bladder and bowel problems. Includes clothes information for absorbent pads and catheters as well as bladder training methods.
