Prosthetics and Orthotic Products and Services
Find prosthetic devices and prosthesis services and a broad range of artificial and mechanical devices that aid a person made disabled by amputation or having a missing limb or limbs. The prosthetics and orthotics in this section of ABLEize can greatly aid everyday life for people with missing limbs and disabilities including prosthetic aids such as artificial arms, legs and feet for amputees and breast prosthesis for woman after cancer surgery.
Orthotics or orthotic products are separate from prosthesis devices and are mainly used to correct mobility and pain problems such as foot, heal pain and back issues corrected by fitting an orthopaedic brace as well as custom footwear to correct a range of issues. Find information and a range of prosthetics and orthotic services listed here or if you would like to promote your own products or services in this busy and popular section of Ableize simply click the Submit Your Site button highlighted at the top of this page to begin enjoying greater traffic and increased hits to your site and social media pages. Trust Ableize, we have disability covered!
Designers and suppliers of advanced lower limb prosthetics offering optimum strength and comfort. View video clips and full product details of this U.S. company. Supplies all world locations.
Specialist supplier of high quality prosthetic and orthotics for amputees with custom designs to meet your exact needs. Includes knee, hip, lower limb and foot products. U.S. based.
An NHS site offering an introduction to prosthetists and orthotists and explaining the role of the prosthetist with training and career details. Includes informative video clips and information downloads.
Oxfordshire based company dedicated to 25 years of experience in the design and supply of prosthetic and orthotic products. Check out their full range including bespoke personalised services for all upper and lower body prosthetics including accessories such as locks and valves.
Specialist supplier of orthotic aids for adults and children. Includes seating, moulded products, posture aids and much more. Check out their knowledge base and full orthotics product range.
A world-leader in prosthetic technologies manufacturing designs created to ensure the best outcome for adults ad children with upper limb deficiencies. View the full product range with videos and downloads. Also includes lower limb amputee support details.