Thursday, February 13, 2025

Service Animals for the Disabled and Special Needs

The most common service animal and of course obvious animal is the guide dog or hearing assistance dog. Other animals are regularly used to help disabled people in a number of ways, cats, ponies and even horses can be assistance animals. Monkeys are also used as service animals, in particular for wheelchair users such as quadriplegics, acting as their set of arms and hands. This section includes service animal sites offering information and advice.

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A registered charity assists disabled people to enjoy greater independence and a better quality of life through the help of specially trained dogs. Includes news and events.

Providing access to dog training for people with physical disabilities, enabling them to train their own dog in basic control and specialised tasks.

Charity which helps disabled people to increase their independence by training specially selected dogs to live and work with them, giving them an enhanced quality of life. Includes history, dogs, clients and donation form.

Assisting with the supply, training and fundraising for guide dogs for the blind and visually impaired. Site includes guide dog facts and details, donation options, news and online shopping.

Trains dogs to alert deaf people to sounds such as the alarm clock, doorbell, telephone and smoke alarms, Includes news, literature and how to support.

Suppliers trained dogs that assist people with epilepsy, autism and physical disabilities to undertake specifically trained tasks. Read details of the charity, the amazing work that they do, their dogs and how to offer support.

An alternative source of dogs to guide blind people. Includes details of the scheme and how to get in touch.
