Thursday, February 13, 2025

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and ME

CFS is a long-term tiredness that does not go away with sleep or rest and affects the persons daily life. CFS is also known as ME, (myalgic encephalomyelitis) this section offers a range of sites that may use either title to refer to this condition.

As well as tiredness, CFS and ME symptoms can also include headaches, feeling dizzy and suffering flu like symptoms.  The severity of these and other symptoms vary from day to day. Browse through the listings of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and ME nature in this section of ABLEize to find support, information sites and full details of the symptoms.

ABLEize lists these CFS and ME resources free of charge and are supplied to assist those requiring greater detail and under one roof resources.  If you found this page useful please pass it on to others so that they can also benefit as you have.

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UK’s leading charity dedicated to improving the lives of people with M.E. Offers information, news and campaign details plus donation details and how to get involved.

Cambridgeshire support for ME sufferers with details of regular meetings and events as well as details of other local support services.

Offers news and treatment details and explains the symptoms and how common chronic fatigue syndrome is. Includes related articles.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis support site providing a host of information about this condition along with advice, support and articles of ME interest.

An informal support group for ME sufferers holding regular meetings and social activities in Staffordshire. They also offer ME telephone support, see site for full details and a range of resources of interest.

Provides research details, information and support to ME sufferers. Site includes ME fundraising events and how to get involved or make ca donation to ongoing research.

News, information and facts about chronic fatigue syndrome supplied by the the official NHS website. Site provides details of the symptoms,causes and treatments available along with information about clinical trials and a range of useful links of interest.

Offers an explaination of chronic fatigue syndrome with details of the causes, symptoms and diagnose explained.

Providing information, support and practical advice for people who are affected by ME/CFS/PVFS (Myalgic Encephalopathy/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome). Includes information and support line services, how to get help plus news and membership details.

Information, advice and ME support from the The National ME Centre located in the Disablement Services Centre (DSC) at the Old Harold Wood Hospital in Romford, Essex.
