Thursday, February 13, 2025

Motor Neurone Disease

Motor neurone disease is a group of progressive neurological disorders that destroy motor neurones, the cells that control voluntary muscle activity such as speaking, walking, breathing and swallowing.  There is no cure for this disabling disease but treatments can help reduce the impact on your daily life as well as extend the expected lifespan.  The best know individual that suffered with motor neurone disease was professor Hawkin who died at the age of 76 in March 2018. His official website is included in the list below.

The symptoms of motor neurone disease are usually first apparent in the arms or legs. Initially, they tend to be mild, and can include stumbling and difficulty holding objects. In the advanced stages of the disease, a patient may become almost totally immobile. The rate of progression of motor neurone disease varies enormously from patient to patient. On average the disease takes three to four years to fully develop.

Find a selection of motor neurone sites highlighted below offering details of the symptoms and causes along with facts, advice and diagnosis and treatment information listed here.  World-wide sites are included in this section due to limited UK MND resources.

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Information and resources from the BMJ Publishing Group. Explains the symptoms, how common it is and how it is diagnosed.

Holds meetings, events and support sessions in Derbyshire as part of the MND Association. Includes news, contacts and volunteering details. Formed in October 1986.

Based in New South Wales, Australia and providing information and educational material in all areas of motor neurone disease. Also includes a dedicated MND blog and information for anybody recently diagnoses.

Signs and symptoms, terminology and facts from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The UK’s largest motor neurone resource offering a vast amount of MND information and resources for those affected by MND as well as for professionals. Site includes research details, new and events. Northampton based with localised branches.

Offers member and branch details, volunteering, research information and contacts a long news and whole range of fundraising ideas and activities.

A comprehensive NHS website providing information, symptom details and causes along with video clips and a whole host of useful links relating to motor neuron disease.

Providing motor neurone disease support, social activities and events in the areas of Hertfordshire. Site highlights fundraising details and volunteer opportunities.

A Scottish charity that assists with the care and support of those with motor neurone disease by raising funds and offering a carers support centre. Includes contacts and a diary of events.
